Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Busy busy busy as a bee!

I have been so busy creating lately that I have not blogged in a while! I can't believe it!
I have made 3 scarves and no hats yet. I have at least 6 Granny (square) stocking for Christmas almost done and ready for the picture to be taken.
I am going to get the hats done soon I hope. I have gotten back to the 2 blankets I have put aside to start holiday stuff.
I may actually make my deadline of October to get things done. I am so proud of my self! So far so good!
Well I have to go and get to bed and the I will continue my designs in the morning!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Here they are! Look what's New!

OK here are the new items I will post on Etsy just after I am done here!

This is the think pink stitch marker!(5)

The unfelted eyeglass case (will not be on Etsy til end of Month)

Here are the fingerless mitts! I just love this color!

These are the inspirational stitch markers (8). Made with love (heart shape), live, inspire, believe, laugh, love, create, trust!

I hope that you like these! I am still making more thing. Currently on the hooks are a fall scarf and to be finished is a fall/winter scarf.

Have a great day!

Monday, August 11, 2008

I am still working!

I know that I said that I would have pics of my new items before I post them but I didn't take the pics yet and haven't finished my new items yet!
I am currently working on some fingerless mitts (free form) and a scarf or 2 and maybe a few hats.
I am hustling my butt along. I am just trying to have fun with the kids before the head back to school next week. i know then I will have more time to get thing up.
I will have every thing up by the end of next month. That I can guarantee, but what is up I can't say what it will be just keep checking out the etsy page and this page to find out when things are going to be up.
In etsy news:
I have put up 2 new items.
I posted up a snow person and a holiday h2o bag!
In crochet news:
I am almost done with my mitts. 1/2 way done with a scarf and will begin a new scarf by the end of the week.
In Looming news:
I have finished an eyeglass case/holder. I now just have to felt it in the next load of baby clothes. I will have pics of before and after felting.
OK gotta run chat again tomorrow if I get a few things done!
Later days!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day Off

I wont be posting tomorrow. I am taking the day off to go to the Zoo with the Kiddos. I should have some good pics and may be even some good ideas.
In Loom and Crochet news:
I have just finished my new stitch markers for the loom and crochet patterns. I am sorry to say that I don't have a picture of them right now, but I will post them here before I put them up on Etsy!
I finished Joeys slippers and I can't get them off the boy. He wore them to bed tonight. He even asked if he could wear them to the zoo. I said that I would have to make him a a pair of zoo socks. Kayla's are almost done. Hers are all pink (her favorite color). I may put a flower on hers then they should really be done.
In Etsy News:
I will have my holiday stuff up by September. I just wont have that many hats and scarves up yet. I will have 2 matching hat and purses. I have some nice yarn I got on sale that I really want to use but, I can't decide what I want to use it on yet!
Well off to dream land I go to dream up some new creative comforts.
Have a Great Day and Weekend!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Guess what?

Guess what? It is that time of year again when the kids go back to school, Christmas shopping begins (well for me it does), warm days turn into cooler ones and then that the S word starts (snow).
I have been so busy lately that I have hit a crafters block! It started when I purchased some new yarn and decided to make a hat or mitts with it. Well I have changed my mind so many times that I have no clue what to make any more.!? I did however find some thing to make. I have been in need of some very nice stitch markers for when I loom and crochet. I am going to make some beaded ones and like usual I will make too many then post them on Etsy.
I have given my self until the kids go back to school to figure out what I'm going to make for winter (school starts in 2 weeks). I have tons of yarn just need the ideas.
In crochet news I have made 3 sets of slippers. One for each of the kids and making a booty set for the baby as soon as I'm done with Joeys slipper (yes slipper I have finished one and have to attach the rest of the other).
In Loom News! There is not really any thing new other than the New Knifty Knitter adult hat loom is out. I have not personally tried it yet but I have drooled over it though. HeHeHeHe! It is just a bit bigger that the green loom and smaller that the yellow.
OMG! I just got an Idea!
Well I better get going to the paper and pen so I don't forget them.
Have a great Day!
P.S. I will have some pics of my ideas and winter items. Maybe even a pattern or too.